Inspired by the blog at Crazyinlove who I found by reading Tricia's husband's inspiring blog Confessions of a CF Husband Their story is really amazing and I recommend you take a minute to read it if you have time.
I can't wait for you to
~have so much laundry you have no idea how you will get it all done
~Get woken up by crying kid to find them covered in throw up
~ have to change a smelly diaper that the diaper couldn't contain and their is surprise in places you never knew poop could go.
~ See that look in your kiddos eye and know they are filling their pants even though they are looking at you and saying I NO POOP
~find all the places she can get food from her high chair
~ feel her heavy on your shoulder as you carry her sleeping to bed
~watch her as she discovers ABC's & 123's
~cry as she gets on the school bus for the first time
~cry when she choses Daddy over you for the 100th time in a row
~be all ready to go out and that little one need one last peanut butter filled hug to the leg
~that right as you are ready to go out together will be the time she has that up your back explosive poo
~feel the moritification as your child says "Man that guys is fat/smelly/short/has a big butt"
~go to the Dr to have the pea, lego, pencil eraser or some other thing removed from an ear or nose.
~ finally have a quiet moment with just your husband only to hear a tiny knock at the door
~ be watching great part in a tv program at same time she is inspired to put on a dance performance with lots of singing and you have to watch
~not be able to go potty with out a little helper along or someone banging on the door because they miss you
~ be excited to look in a potty and see someone else's poop because you finally don't have to scrape that one of their bottom
~ see the excitement on their face as they feel grass, sand, snow, or rain on their face
~ have a little hand pat your face and smile at you when you are sad
~have a small voice call you in the night just because they need you to be there for them
~ look over head and share look with your husband of pride in something she accomplished
~ be able to take your daughter home for the first time and start your life as a family of 3
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