Today I took Lexi to school and then headed out to help Al (my father in law) with creating a webpage. I am not sure how much help I was since I had the youngest two with me and had to keep running after them but he now at least has a webpage. Then I headed back to get Alexis and got there a little early so I let the kids watch a movie on the car DVD player with the price of gas I thought I better turn off the car but let them continue to watch the movie. Imagine my surprise when 5 minutes later the TV starts stuttering so I try and start the car. Nope it's dead. So I call Jason and he comes over and tries to jump start the car with out success. So we load the kids in to his truck and head out for a new battery. $100 later my car is now running. On the way home we pass a lady walking down the street with her young daughter. It is like 40 degrees, damp and windy and they are walking down the street with no sidewalk so I offer them a ride home. I know this probably wasn't a great idea but I did it anyways. She was very grateful as they had a ways to walk. They had walked from their house to the elementary school to enroll the daughter and then were on their way back home. They were new to the area and weren't even really sure they were going the right way so I was glad to have helped them. Other excitement for the week. We finally tracked down an Occupational Therapist who worked with Sensory Processing Disorder which we have thought Lexi might have. I took her on Thursday for an evaluation. It was very enlightening. I learned that Sensor Processing Disorder is not a recognized diagnosis so we can't present that to the school and expect them to due anything to help. However she looked over our paperwork from the St Vincent eval and said that the school system should have her in the early childhood program on that diagnosis alone. She also said she does have sensory issues, said she is Hyposentive Glossary Term: Hyposensitive Definition: Being far less sensitive to various stimuli than most people. This occurs with some individuals with autism spectrum disorders, especially in the realm of touch. For example, they may seek out heavy pressure, feeling calmed by being wrapped in a heavy blanket or otherwise “squeezed.” As well as dyspraxia, DEFINITION Developmental Dyspraxia (also known as Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, and the Clumsy Child Syndrome) is a neurologically based disorder of the processes involved in praxis or the planning of movement to achieve a predetermined idea or purpose, which may affect the acquisition of new skills and the execution of those already learned. More specifically, it is a disorder of praxis, or the process of ideation (forming an idea of using a known movement to achieve a planned purpose), motor planning (planning the action needed to achieve the idea), and execution (carrying out the planned movement). She said that she may not actually have ADHD but she might have it as well as the above but we won't really know until we start working on these two to see if things change. If you are interested here are some of the symptoms. So now I have more information to include in my letter to the school system.
I tried to call the Director of Special Education today to see what we should do about where to place Alexis since her current school would prefer her not to come back and the other two schools I would consider do not have availabilty at this time. Of course they were in a meeting and couldn't talk to me but they were happy to transfer me to their voice mail. So I left a message and hoped they would call. I guess she will go back to the school who doesn't want her because of me until we find another option.
Add that on to all the kids being home for the week for spring break, my SIL came to town for the weekend and we went to conference on Friday in Chicago. Conference was fun but the funny conversations we had on the trip was even more fun. It has been a crazy week.
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