Saturday, July 5, 2008
nnrerreeer4c4cfddddddddddddddddddd444uuuuuuu8jjjjjoii(aka A Blog by Brenna)
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4th of July Chaos
Well our fourth of July was definitely full of fireworks and not just the kind that look pretty at night. The days started with mass chaos in the hallway outside our room. Nothing like waking up to kids fighting outside the door of your room. We had hoped to get out and do some fun family things, the kids decided that it would be more fun to bicker, whine, and not listen to a darn thing we asked them to do. We were determined to try and make a go of it but first we wanted to get Landon's closet shelving re-do finished and Liam really needed to clean up his room. Yeah well that was much harder than it needed to be. Jason worked on the closet while I worked on the laundry that needed to be put away. Liam worked on rolling around on the floor whining and crying that it wasn't fair that he had to clean up his toys and put his dirty clothes in his hamper. So once we finished what we needed to do we took on Liam's room with trash bags and boxes and packed up all the stuff he didn't deem important enough to put away. It is all now resting comfortably in our room until he feels the need to earn them back.
After the drama of the morning we decided we would go ahead and head out for some late lunch and trip to the park. We headed out, went through McDonalds drive thru as we knew that should make them happy. Got the park and told everyone to stay in their seats and finish eating, that once every one was done we would go to the park. I guess Alexis took that to mean everyone but her needs to stay in their seat because with in minutes she is up and roaming around the car. Oh the joy of not listening has begun again. Once convinced back to her seat so that everyone could finish Landon had to start touching and bothering people. Are we crazy to think this adventure is going to work. Finally everyone finishes eating, including the baby who had been screaming for his bottle as soon as we drove out the parking lot of McDonalds. We opened the doors and freed the beasts from the vehicle.
The park was really nice and had lots of fun things for the kids to do and they surprisingly managed to play nicely with no fighting or whining. Sweet relief. We finally got a picture of all 5 of the kids together on one of the playground pieces.
[wp_caption id="attachment_27" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="5 firecrackers"]
Then we took the beasties on a walk around the park. We came across a little bridge over a creek and they had a blast watching the water run under the bridge.
[wp_caption id="attachment_28" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Water watchers"]
We watched some guys playing frisbee golf. I had heard of it but didn't realize how serious it was. Jason told me that they have different frisbees like regular golfers have different clubs. It was fun to see as I had never seen anyone actually playing.
Then we headed back to the playground area and decided to let them have at it in the sprinkler park. Brenna was hesitant, she would play with the little sprinklers around the edge and on one post. Landon was a lunatic he went running screaming into the water and I would just catch a glimpse of him as he went shooting by. Lexi doesn't like to be wet as she will soon be followed by cold so she sat out for awhile and then finally decided she would go play and off she went. Liam liked it but he liked using the water canons to try and shoot us or other people more than he wanted to get himself soaked.
[wp_caption id="attachment_32" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Brenna loved the little water sprays "]
After fun was had by all in the sprinkler park we headed for home. Surprisingly everyone stayed awake for the ride home, I thought for sure we would loose a couple to the land of nod. We hung out at home waiting for darkness to come and fireworks to begin.
After the drama of the morning we decided we would go ahead and head out for some late lunch and trip to the park. We headed out, went through McDonalds drive thru as we knew that should make them happy. Got the park and told everyone to stay in their seats and finish eating, that once every one was done we would go to the park. I guess Alexis took that to mean everyone but her needs to stay in their seat because with in minutes she is up and roaming around the car. Oh the joy of not listening has begun again. Once convinced back to her seat so that everyone could finish Landon had to start touching and bothering people. Are we crazy to think this adventure is going to work. Finally everyone finishes eating, including the baby who had been screaming for his bottle as soon as we drove out the parking lot of McDonalds. We opened the doors and freed the beasts from the vehicle.
The park was really nice and had lots of fun things for the kids to do and they surprisingly managed to play nicely with no fighting or whining. Sweet relief. We finally got a picture of all 5 of the kids together on one of the playground pieces.
[wp_caption id="attachment_27" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="5 firecrackers"]

Then we took the beasties on a walk around the park. We came across a little bridge over a creek and they had a blast watching the water run under the bridge.
[wp_caption id="attachment_28" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Water watchers"]

We watched some guys playing frisbee golf. I had heard of it but didn't realize how serious it was. Jason told me that they have different frisbees like regular golfers have different clubs. It was fun to see as I had never seen anyone actually playing.
Then we headed back to the playground area and decided to let them have at it in the sprinkler park. Brenna was hesitant, she would play with the little sprinklers around the edge and on one post. Landon was a lunatic he went running screaming into the water and I would just catch a glimpse of him as he went shooting by. Lexi doesn't like to be wet as she will soon be followed by cold so she sat out for awhile and then finally decided she would go play and off she went. Liam liked it but he liked using the water canons to try and shoot us or other people more than he wanted to get himself soaked.
[wp_caption id="attachment_32" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Brenna loved the little water sprays "]

After fun was had by all in the sprinkler park we headed for home. Surprisingly everyone stayed awake for the ride home, I thought for sure we would loose a couple to the land of nod. We hung out at home waiting for darkness to come and fireworks to begin.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
It's all in the perspective
This week Liam is visiting camp Oma and Poppa (my mom and Bill) and Lexi and Landon are at Y camp so I just have Brenna and Baby Bryan. Yesterday I got the crazy idea to take Brenna to the baby pool to let her play in the water. So I packed up the baby and the water toys and we headed out to the pool. Brenna had a blast splashing and playing in the water. She played for a good hour while Bryan slept in his carseat. It was peaceful and easier than I expected. Bryan woke up and wanted his bottle so I fed him in his chair to try and keep him out of sun. Took him out to burp him and he went right back to sleep. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to do. Brenna gave me a fit when I said it was time to go but at least she went out the gate even though she was protesting. When I was putting them in the car the lady that ran the sign in area of the pool was leaving and stopped and said "Wow your brave going to the pool with baby and a toddler" I replied with "This is much easier than any other time we go to the pool as I don't have my other kids with me, it is much harder with 5 kids than 2."
So it all is in the perspective.
So it all is in the perspective.
Just when we thought our life was crazy enough
Just when we thought our life was crazy enough we get a phone call. The kids bio mom had another baby that needed to be placed in care and they asked that we take him in. Jason and I talked it over and our hearts said we had to give it a try for him, for the kids, because we couldn't stand the thought of him going some place like where we picked up Landon and Lexi. So we went against everyone's opinion and followed our heart and picked up Baby Bryan on Monday June 9th.

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