After the drama of the morning we decided we would go ahead and head out for some late lunch and trip to the park. We headed out, went through McDonalds drive thru as we knew that should make them happy. Got the park and told everyone to stay in their seats and finish eating, that once every one was done we would go to the park. I guess Alexis took that to mean everyone but her needs to stay in their seat because with in minutes she is up and roaming around the car. Oh the joy of not listening has begun again. Once convinced back to her seat so that everyone could finish Landon had to start touching and bothering people. Are we crazy to think this adventure is going to work. Finally everyone finishes eating, including the baby who had been screaming for his bottle as soon as we drove out the parking lot of McDonalds. We opened the doors and freed the beasts from the vehicle.
The park was really nice and had lots of fun things for the kids to do and they surprisingly managed to play nicely with no fighting or whining. Sweet relief. We finally got a picture of all 5 of the kids together on one of the playground pieces.
[wp_caption id="attachment_27" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="5 firecrackers"]

Then we took the beasties on a walk around the park. We came across a little bridge over a creek and they had a blast watching the water run under the bridge.
[wp_caption id="attachment_28" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Water watchers"]

We watched some guys playing frisbee golf. I had heard of it but didn't realize how serious it was. Jason told me that they have different frisbees like regular golfers have different clubs. It was fun to see as I had never seen anyone actually playing.
Then we headed back to the playground area and decided to let them have at it in the sprinkler park. Brenna was hesitant, she would play with the little sprinklers around the edge and on one post. Landon was a lunatic he went running screaming into the water and I would just catch a glimpse of him as he went shooting by. Lexi doesn't like to be wet as she will soon be followed by cold so she sat out for awhile and then finally decided she would go play and off she went. Liam liked it but he liked using the water canons to try and shoot us or other people more than he wanted to get himself soaked.
[wp_caption id="attachment_32" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Brenna loved the little water sprays "]

After fun was had by all in the sprinkler park we headed for home. Surprisingly everyone stayed awake for the ride home, I thought for sure we would loose a couple to the land of nod. We hung out at home waiting for darkness to come and fireworks to begin.
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