Thursday, May 28, 2009
Liam's Early Bouncing Birthday
He wound up with 19 kids at his party (of course 5 of them were from our house) and they had a blast bouncing themselves silly. The party includes 70 minutes of bounce time and before the end of the time I had kids coming up to me saying they were so tired could they be done now and go sit down. I couldn't believe that 7&8 year olds were whooped in 70 minutes but I who was I to argue with a bunch of tired kids so we head to the party room. Where it seemed a few sips of cool beverages revived them and they were suddenly full of energy and loud as all get out. Luckily food quickly arrived in the form of yummy pizzas. They consumed their pizza and then we moved on to cake. Jason was able to get a great night sky cake for our space themed party adventure. After ingesting sugar laddened cake it was getting close to the end of party time and they had to decide if they wanted to watch him open presents or play games. They picked playing the games and off they went. Kids were every where collecting tickets and picking prizes and they all looked happy, tired and busy. Soon parents started to arrive to collect their children and our party came to an end with lots happy tired kids. To wrap up our space themed event we had each kid sign Liam's big inflatable alien and gave them a good bag containing an inflatable space ship, a sticky alien, a squishy earth and of course some candy and what goes better in a space gift bag then Starbursts and Milk Ways. We came home with 5 tired, happy kids and lots of fun memories.
Welcoming in Summer and saying goodbye to Kindergarten and 2nd grade

It's officially the last day of school and the beginning of summer when you get off the bus and break the banner. Here is this year's Welcome Summer Banner. I read about this last year in Family Fun magazine and thought it was a great idea. Because I am a bargain nut I of course had a huge roll of yellow paper that i got really cheap all ready to go last year so we just used that again.
The last day of school was a busy day in our household. We start out the day with a picture marking the last day of school. Once the kids were on the bus and the little kids were safely stowed at school I head out for my last day of volunteering. I went and helped Liam's teacher last year ( I love this teacher and have been helping this school year) for a little while.
Liam's Last day of 2nd grade

Then I head off to help in Lexi's class. Her teacher got engaged during the school year and is getting married over the summer. The class was throwing her a surprise bridal shower so I went to help with that. A few of the parents came in and decorated the class in red, white and blue because she is getting married over the 4th of July. We have cake and ice cream for the kids and had some gifts for the teacher. While the class was out experiencing the thrill of the big kid playground for the first time we snuck in and set up the surprise. I think she was really surprised and very happy. The kids loved having cake and ice cream but didn't really understand the point of the party.
Lexi with her teacher at the party

After the party I decided to surprise Liam in the cafeteria during lunch time. I don't plan enough in advance to actually eat with him but I enjoy sitting with him and his friends while he eats. However those kids are a loud bunch in the cafeteria but they have a good time. They love it when people come to visit, however it kind of feels like feeding time at the monkey exhibit at the zoo. Even though I can't carry on a conversation with him it's still fun to spend time with him and he even though he acts like he doesn't love it that I am there he often asks if I will come in for lunch again sometime. Now if I could just get DaDee to go in for feeding time, that would really surprise him.
Liam and his lunch room pals

After lunch with Liam I headed home to get the banner ready for the official break through to summer. Last year DaDee had the pleasure of hanging the banner but this time the pressure was on me. I made it work it wasn't beautiful but it worked. After getting off the bus the kids got to bust through the banner in to their summer vacation. Liam went first and surprisingly paper banners stretched tight from porch post to porch post are hard to bust through. After Liam went DaDee held up the broken side and Lexi put her head to the banner and made it through. Hard or not they busted through and summer began officially in our land.
Liam busting in to summer
Lexi busts through to summer

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Storming the dentist office with all 5 kiddos

Thanks for joining us on this trip to the dentist. Hope you had as much as they do when they go visit.